

26Feb | 2020

What is the best age to start aesthetic medicine?

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Many people are asking what age is good to start some esthetic treatment?  The aesthetic medicine and aesthetic surgery are more and more popular. However it is important to have an idea for the best time to start those treatment ici

26Feb | 2020

Swiss people and aesthetic surgery abroad.

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Aesthetic surgery in a foreign country.  The Swiss people are more and more interested for aesthetic surgery out of Switzerland. Around 30'000 of them decided in 2019 to go to another country to get operated. Even if it looks like a good idea on an economical way, there are some

11Feb | 2020

People are getting surgery younger than ever before.

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People are getting surgery younger than ever before. The conversation surrounding social media’s impact on beauty standards is well worn, but recently it has taken a new turn - social media’s notable effect on plastic surgery, particularly that of the face. For more infos click here    

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