Your project

We organize it for you

“To project oneself is to think an inexistent possibility feasible”. This quote sums up on its own all the power of your cosmetic surgery project. The reason for it can be diverse, an illness, an accident, a complex or just simply the desire to change.(lire). Regardless of that, you have taken this decision and let’s make sure to embody it.

In the cosmetic surgery sector and more than anywhere else, it is important to surround oneself with people we can trust. (lire). You have decided to complete a cosmetic surgery operation and that is the reason why you contact us; we shall organize it with you.

Une Renaissance works with various surgeons that operate in different countries around the world. This enables us to offer you the practitioner most fitted to your budget and the most qualified to complete your cosmetic surgery operation.

 In order to be as relevant as possible, we will be needing various pieces of essential information to the good realization of your project. We will then be able to discuss more accurately with you and ensure we answer all your questions and maybe raise certain existing doubts. You will give us the time notice or the period of time during which you wish to complete your operation but also the budget that you have planned for this operation or even more the type of operation you wish.

In addition to all that and to go all the way with your project, we offer you the possibility of organizing your recovery period through various benefits that you will be communicating to us.

Why choose Une Renaissance for your cosmetic surgery project?

  1. We have selected trustworthy cosmetic surgeons for you according to specific criteria mentioned, all of this in accordance with our charter.
  2. Their way of work and the excellent results obtained are excellent.
  3. We make it the process simpler for you, especially when it comes to the administrative part and the post operation period.
  4. The amount for the signing up at Une Renaissance enables you to obtain 2 (two) precise and detailed quotes. For the same price, you would only be able to have one consultation with a surgeon.
  5. During the time of your project, you will have just one interlocutor for Une Renaissance.
  6. We adapt ourselves to you easily and make sure to respect your choices and desires.

The Steps





See the process

Your convalescence

We remind our clients regularly that the convalescence period is paramount for the success of your cosmetic surgery operation.

Once the surgeon has taken good care of you and has fulfilled your dreams, you will be in need of several days of recovery. Whether it be for anesthesia but also to sooth the pain or to gather up your strength. It is a time for you!

We ensure to take very good care of you. For this, we make available to you, a series of services in order to recover in the quickest possible way and to facilitate life for you. How? Its simple, efficient and you will love it.

Therapeutical aspects

A nurse

Do you wish a nurse that is available 24/7? It is possible! In addition to verifying all medical aspects and to ensure that the healing of your scars is done correctly. She will also be able to advise you and discuss with you. They will be at your side to take extra care of you.

The draining

Draining is also an aspect to take into account for your recovery period. They enable the ecchymosis and odems to resorb faster and sooths the pain. The most efficient way is to resort to it straight after the operation, during at least a week for the face and a month for the rest of the body.


Your physiotherapy sessions enable you to give back some tone to your body and muscles. To slowly recover, remobilizing the various body parts and to give them the tone and insurance that they require.

The Massages

Last but not least: the massages. When they are undertaken by a specialist they enable the body and the mind to relax and above all to simply bring a lot of well bring.

Practical and logistical aspects

Let it be clear that after most of cosmetic surgery operations, you will not be able or will not want to go back home straight away. Why?

1- You do not want your relatives to see the odems, bandages and other disagreements caused by the operation.

2- You cannot because your body requires rest and care.

It is then crucial to anticipate this state and to take all logistical measures that are required to answer the following questions:

Who will take care of the children, who will go and do the shopping or clean the house?

But also how will I be able to continue working from away from the office or to drive my car?

It is because of all these questions that we put at your disposal different people that will be able to “do in your stead”, and to help you in the organization of your daily life. We offer you personal assistants, maids, auxiliaries or chauffeurs.

You can be sure that all those tiny details will enable you to recover in the best and fastest way possible. But also to go back to your daily life in good shape.


Upon completion of your operation and according to your needs and desires, you will be able rest and recover in a charming house facing the sea or in a peaceful and welcoming neighborhood. We ensure that everything is at your disposal to ensure that your stay takes place in the most pleasant and easiest ways possible. In addition, you will be able to benefit from the services of a chauffeur or a personal assistant if need be.


Once the operation completed, the convalescence begins and is extremely crucial. During this, you need to take sufficient time towards your recovery and not bother yourself with difficult and painful tasks. We put at your disposal a trustworthy person that will come and take care of various household chores (cleaning, shopping….). We can also put at your disposal a certified nanny to look after your children.


Your operation pushed you towards deciding to take charge of yourself or to undertake for physical activity or simply to tone your body for a few weeks after the operation. We collaborate with various sport coaches that will be able to listen to your needs and give you pleasure in doing sport, while taking into account your recent operation and your expectations.


Eating well and embracing alimentary habits does not happen without being advised and guided. Make the choice of starting afresh on a set of new bases and to change the way you eat, you will see that is easier than expected and is an amazing feeling. Make the most of your cosmetic surgery operation to start afresh with new healthy bases.